nanjingabcd 发表于 2008-11-13 14:50:20


What the world needs now is love, sweet love. It s the only thing that there s just too little of.What the world needs now is love, sweet love, No not just for some but for everyone. 这首<what the world needs now is love> 在我耳边响起了。你们用了这款音乐,作为登上舞台的背景音乐。伴着音乐,我无限怀念和你刚开始的一段日子,那是在大学毕业前的半年,我们一起来到了上海,为毕业后的工作问题奔波。我们互相安慰,互相支持,互相鼓励。我们一起分享快乐,痛苦,挫折,但是却很幸福。我记得曾经在杭州西湖畔,你对我说:“我想陪你一辈子!”当时我无回你一个坚定的眼神。可是你是否知道我现在万分后悔。如果我再冲动一下,我应该现在,立刻,马上冲上台去,把你抱在怀里,大声喊出那句话。我的心在发抖,我的手在发抖,我整个身体在发抖,你是否能看到我?? 我终于发现我是个自私的男人,上天给了我一个最大的惩罚,就是让我观摩你的婚礼。当我听到这首《The way you look tonight》我几乎崩溃。     Someday when I'm awfully lowWhen the world is coldI feel a glow just thinking of youAnd the way you look tonight.Oh, but you're lovely with your smile so warmAnd your cheek so softThere is nothing for me to love youAnd the way you look tonightWith each word your tenderness growsTearing my fear apartAnd that laugh that wrinkles your nosetouches my foolish heartLovely, never ever changeKeep that breathless charrWon't you please arrange it?'Cause I love you我不能给你你想要的幸福,但我却是真实地爱你,我工作太忙,没有周末,当我吃的飞机餐比我在家里吃饭的次数都多时,我知道我歉你太多;你打我电话,我不是在开会,就是在等重要电话;我又太多次说我要加班,而不能陪你。。。。我知道,我只能祝福你!祝福你不在我身边能更幸福!这首歌送给你《love me tender》
Love me tender, love me sweet,Never let me go.You have made my life complete,And I love you so.Love me tender, love me true,All my dreams fulfilled.For my darling, I love you,And I always will.Love me tender, love me long,Take me to your heart.For it's there that I belong,And we'll never part.Love me tender, love me true,All my dreams fulfilled.For my darling, I love you,And I always will.Love me tender, love me dear,Tell me you are mine.I’ll be yours through all the years,Till the end of time.Love me tender, love me true,All my dreams fulfilled.For my darling, I love you,And I always will.

haha706 发表于 2009-7-4 11:05:00

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